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Sigmo Khabar

Sigmo khabar Sanduk Ruit's biography has been removed from curriculum

 Sigmo khabar सिग्मो खबर नेपाली अनलाइन खबर

                         Dr. Sanduk Ruit

Dr. As soon as you say Sanduk Ruit, an eye-opening image of an unrelenting national heritage is created. Seeing this great man who restored the lost light of his eyes for the first time, those receiving treatment feel that they have seen God. Dr. from Human Services. Ruit has elevated himself above the common man. That is why his name is taken with reverence. And learning about a personality like him in the school curriculum is a matter of satisfaction in itself.

Dr. A dream fills the eyes of not only students but also their parents who read about a doctor with a noble human spirit like Sanduk. He is overwhelmed by the feeling that all his children can become the children of the world, like the man being read by his grandmother. In the curriculum of class 10 of school education  news that  Dr. Ruit's biography has been removed has felt like a shock in itself. The sudden removal of the text about him makes no sense. And, he should not be limited to science. He is the height of humanity. Few people achieve this height in life. And those who have removed his biography from the textbooks are the Lilliputians. If he thinks that removing his biography from textbooks will increase his height, it is only a nightmare.

Subjects studied in childhood are remembered throughout life. Such topics keep inspiring. We have read in the past from Alexander Fleming, the inventor of penicillin, to Florence Nightingale, the noblewoman who modernized nursing. Today before us alive Dr. There is Ruit who is making Nepal known through his service all over the world. He has built popular institutions like Tilganga Eye Hospital. Today this institution is on the verge of becoming a university itself. Through this, Nepal is preparing to provide education and training. From North Korea to the African country of Ghana, he is giving his unique service. Today's students Dr. Teaching sanduk ruit also means creating someone like him.

The founder of the Nepali method of cataract surgery, Dr. Dr. No amount of damnation is enough to remove Ruit from the curriculum. On the one hand, trying to keep violent armed activities in the 'people's war' curriculum and on the other hand, Dr. who carries the message of peace. An educational method that is removed from a creative textbook like Ruit is wrong in itself. The tendency to hesitate to include such service minded people in our country is fatal in itself. Everyone has a political theory, but Dr. Ruit's removal from textbooks is the principle of Patru.

Education can be learned from the biography of an inspiring person. There are enough people in our country for that. In that regard, the quality of our education has been declining in recent years. When people from different interest groups put their own topics in the textbook, its quality has decreased. Otherwise, it is not possible to prepare the curriculum by thinking about the future of the country and rising above the arguments or theories. Curriculum Development Center Dr. Why did Ruit's biography have to be removed? Whose interest is it? This trend has disappointed students, school teachers and parents who want to make a future.

On the one hand, trying to keep violent armed activities in the 'people's war' curriculum and on the other hand, Dr. who carries the message of peace. An educational method that is removed from a creative textbook like Ruit is wrong in itself.

Dr. Ruit recently received the Isha Award from Bahrain worth USD 1 million (about Rs. 13 crore). Few Nepalis have received this level of award. Even the World Health Organization, which worked during the Covid-19, was not in the competition to get this award. But Dr. Ruit's ability to get it is due to his continued activism. He is such a person, whose head of government and heads of the world long to catch a glimpse of him. The discussion of his work has reached all these. Dr. today in the country of Everest. Even a doctor like Sanduk Ruit sits with his head held high with pride. It is natural to feel anger in anyone's heart when they hear that such people are taken out of the textbook. At least there should not be too much politics while preparing the syllabus.

Today, Nepalis are ready to leave the country and run away. Corruption is rampant. Every youth thinks of going to the Gulf after finishing school. A person with a little financial resources wants to move to America, Australia or Canada after paying everything. At this time, Dr. A biographical text like Ruit gives hope of doing something in this country. It also gives way. Born in an ordinary family in the remote district of Taplejung, Dr. Ruit is the dream star of Nepali. Many have taken inspiration from watching him. His work has changed the path of many for humanity. Every Nepali child living in the corner has Dr. Ruit can decorate the dream. Who has done the job of removing the biography of such a person from textbooks, who has returned the sight of more than one lakh people with his own hands? There should be an investigation. Not only that, action should also be taken against such people. Let the government open its eyes to this decision. The student Dr. Ruit the text of the box should be read again.

Let see also this page!


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